Celebrating Our 2nd NOMADiversary!

Celebrating Our 2nd NOMADiversary!

17,520 hours ago. 730 days ago. 24 months ago. 2 years ago.

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WOW, time flies. Exactly two years ago today, we departed on this adventure that is now our life. We sold our house outside of Philadelphia, packed all our belongings into our 5th wheel, and officially hit the road as full-time RVers. So today we celebrate our 2nd NOMADiversary. It is always fun to take a moment to look back at all we have done and seen while trying to live out on blog name of See Simple Love to SEE the country, to live a SIMPLE life, and to LOVE each other. This year as we take a look down memory lane, we are going to be sharing several posts in the next week or two highlighting PRODUCTS, PLACESPROBLEMS, & PLANS, we have visited, used, encountered, and laid out. Before we leave you today, here is a glimpse at our year(s) in numbers.

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As you can see we haven't done near as much traveling this year as our first year on the road. You might just consider us slow movers, we spent 5 months of the second year in Maine and the last six months of the second year in Texas. Both of these long stints have been for Workamping Jobs which we have thoroughly enjoyed. We will talk more about our travels in the places & plans posts coming in the next few weeks. About that number 11 up there in red, I put all blame on genes passed down from my mom (the ice cream lover extraordinaire)! You see, I don't even like Dairy Queen ice cream, but desperate times call for desperate measures. You can't find an ice cream shop or dairy bar in many small Texas coastal towns, but what you will find is a Dairy Queen. Every little town has one! They have even branded  themselves as the Texas Stop Sign! So as law abiding folks, when we see the stop sign we just have to stop!

We hope you continue to enjoy our musings as we begin the next 365 days. As we blog, we hope to not only create a journal of memories, but provide first hand experience to those interested in full-time RVing, and inspiring others to follow their dreams. Buckle Up & Hold on Tight as we continue the thrilling & sometimes bumpy ride of our life on wheels.

PRODUCTS - Our 10 Best Purchases

PRODUCTS - Our 10 Best Purchases

A Few Days in the Capital of the Sunbelt

A Few Days in the Capital of the Sunbelt